Nintendo programm 03

GC / GBA 2003 Katalog 34 S. 14,5 x 14,5 cm
Mario Party 5 / Pikmin 2 / Mario Kart – Double Dash!! / F-Zero GX / Star Wars – Rogue Squadron III Rebel Strike / Final Fantasy – Crystal Chronicles / Soul Calibur II / Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg / Viewtiful Joe / Pokémon Colosseum / Pokémon Pinball – Rubin & Saphir / Pokémon Rubin-Edition / Pokémon Saphir-Editon / Kirby – Nightmare in Dream Land / Mario & Luigi / Super Mario Advance 4 – Super Mario Bros. 3 / Findet Nemo / Der Hobbit / Banjo-Kazooie – Grunty’s Revenge / Spyro Adventure